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React Download: The Best Way to Learn and Use React


React Download: How to Install and Use React JS

React JS is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It was created by Facebook and is used by many websites and apps. React JS allows you to create reusable components, write code with JSX syntax, and manage data with state and props. In this article, we will show you how to download and install React JS, how to set up your editor for React development, and how to use React JS in your project.

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Why You Should Use React JS

There are many reasons why you should use React JS for your web development projects. Here are some of the main advantages of React JS:

  • Easy to learn and use: React JS has a simple and intuitive syntax that makes it easy to learn and use. You can write HTML-like code with JSX, which makes it easier to create and maintain UI components.

  • Reusable components: React JS lets you create reusable components that can be used in different parts of your app. This helps you avoid code duplication, improve code quality, and save time.

  • Performance enhancement: React JS uses a virtual DOM (Document Object Model) that updates only the changed parts of the UI, instead of re-rendering the whole page. This improves the performance and efficiency of your app.

  • SEO-friendly: React JS can render your app on the server-side, which makes it SEO-friendly. This means that your app can be indexed by search engines and have better visibility.

  • Support of handy tools: React JS has a rich ecosystem of tools and libraries that can help you with various aspects of your development process. For example, you can use create-react-app to set up a new project, React Developer Tools to inspect and debug your app, or Redux to manage your app state.

How to Download and Install React JS

There are different ways to download and install React JS depending on your needs. Here are some of the most common methods:

Using create-react-app

If you want to start a new project with React JS, the easiest way is to use create-react-app. This is an official tool that creates a ready-to-use React app with a default configuration. To use create-react-app, you need to have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. You can check if you have them by running the following commands in your terminal:

node -v npm -v

If you don't have them, you can download and install them from . Once you have Node.js and npm, you can create a new React app by running the following command in your terminal:

npx create-react-app my-app

This will create a new folder called my-app with all the files and dependencies you need for your React app. You can then change into the directory and start the development server by running the following commands:

cd my-app npm start

This will open your app in your browser at . You can now edit the files in the src folder and see the changes reflected in your browser.

Using CDN links

If you want to add React to an existing HTML page, you can use CDN (Content Delivery Network) links to load React and ReactDOM libraries. This is a simple and fast way to try out React without installing anything. To use CDN links, you need to add the following script tags to your HTML file:

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<script src=""></script> <script src=""></script>

The first script tag loads React, and the second one loads ReactDOM. You can also use the development versions of these libraries by replacing .min with .development in the URLs. These versions will give you more helpful error messages and warnings, but they are slower and larger than the production versions.

After adding the script tags, you can write your React code in a separate script tag or a JavaScript file. For example, you can create a simple Hello World component like this:

<div id="root"></div> <script> function Hello() return <h1>Hello, world!</h1>; ReactDOM.render(<Hello />, document.getElementById('root')); </script>

This will render a Hello, world! message to the div element with id root. You can also use JSX syntax in your code, but you need to add a type="text/babel" attribute to your script tag or use a tool like Babel to transpile your code.

Using npm or yarn

If you want to install React as a dependency in an existing project, you can use npm or yarn to manage your packages. npm and yarn are package managers that help you install and update libraries and tools for your project. To use npm or yarn, you need to have Node.js installed on your machine. You can check if you have it by running the following command in your terminal:

node -v

If you don't have it, you can download and install it from . Once you have npm or yarn, you can create a package.json file for your project by running the following command in your terminal:

npm init


yarn init

This will ask you some questions about your project and generate a package.json file that contains information about your project and its dependencies. You can then install React and ReactDOM by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install react react-dom


yarn add react react-dom

This will download React and ReactDOM libraries and add them to your node_modules folder and package.json file. You can then import them in your JavaScript files and use them as usual. How to Set Up Your Editor for React JS

Another important step to start working with React JS is to set up your editor for React development. There are many editors and IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) that you can use for React development, such as Visual Studio Code, Atom, Sublime Text, WebStorm, etc. You can choose the one that suits your preferences and needs, but here are some tips and tools that can help you with any editor:

  • Install a code formatter: A code formatter is a tool that automatically formats your code according to a set of rules and styles. This helps you keep your code consistent, readable, and clean. Some popular code formatters for React are Prettier, ESLint, and Standard.

  • Install a syntax highlighter: A syntax highlighter is a tool that adds colors and styles to your code based on its syntax. This helps you distinguish different parts of your code, such as keywords, variables, strings, comments, etc. Most editors have built-in syntax highlighters for JavaScript and JSX, but you can also install extensions or plugins to enhance them.

  • Install a code completion tool: A code completion tool is a tool that suggests possible code snippets or keywords as you type. This helps you write your code faster, easier, and with fewer errors. Some popular code completion tools for React are IntelliSense, CodeSandbox, and React Snippets.

  • Install a debugger: A debugger is a tool that helps you find and fix errors in your code. It allows you to pause your code execution, inspect your variables and data, set breakpoints and watchpoints, etc. Some popular debuggers for React are Chrome DevTools, React Developer Tools, and React Native Debugger.

How to Use React JS in Your Project

Now that you have downloaded and installed React JS and set up your editor for React development, you are ready to use React JS in your project. In this section, we will cover some of the basic concepts and features of React JS that you need to know to start creating your own UI components.

Writing JSX

JSX is a special syntax that allows you to write HTML-like code in your JavaScript files. JSX stands for JavaScript XML, and it is an extension of the JavaScript language. JSX makes it easier to create and maintain UI components in React JS. For example, you can write a simple Hello World component like this:

function Hello() return <h1>Hello, world!</h1>;

This is equivalent to writing the following JavaScript code:

function Hello() return React.createElement('h1', null, 'Hello, world!');

As you can see, JSX is more concise and readable than plain JavaScript. However, JSX is not valid JavaScript, so you need a compiler like Babel to transform it into JavaScript that browsers can understand.

There are some rules and differences that you need to know when writing JSX. Here are some of them:

  • You must use camelCase for attribute names: Unlike HTML, JSX uses camelCase for attribute names. For example, you must write className instead of class, htmlFor instead of for, etc.

  • You must close all tags: Unlike HTML, JSX requires that all tags are closed. For example, you must write <br /> instead of <br>, <img src="" alt="" /> instead of <img src="" alt="">, etc.

  • You must use curly braces for JavaScript expressions: Unlike HTML, JSX allows you to embed JavaScript expressions inside curly braces. For example, you can write <h1>name</h1> instead of <h1>+ name + </h1>, where name is a variable defined in your JavaScript code.

  • You must use quotes for string literals: Unlike HTML, JSX requires that you use quotes for string literals. For example, you must write <img src="logo.png" alt="logo" /> instead of <img src=logo.png alt=logo />.

Creating Components

A component is a reusable piece of UI that can have its own state and logic. Components are the building blocks of React JS apps. You can create components in two ways: using functions or using classes.

A function component is a simple function that returns a JSX element. For example, you can create a function component called Hello like this:

function Hello() return <h1>Hello, world!</h1>;

A class component is a more complex component that extends the React.Component class. It has a render method that returns a JSX element, and it can also have other methods and properties. For example, you can create a class component called Counter like this:

class Counter extends React.Component constructor(props) super(props); this.state = count: 0 ; increment() this.setState(state => ( count: state.count + 1 )); render() return ( <div> <h1>Count: this.state.count</h1> <button onClick=() => this.increment()>+1</button> </div> );

Whether you use function components or class components, you can use them in your app by rendering them to the DOM using ReactDOM.render(). For example, you can render the Hello and Counter components like this:

<div id="root"></div> <script> ReactDOM.render( <div> <Hello /> <Counter /> </div>, document.getElementById('root') ); </script>

This will display a Hello, world! message and a counter with a button on your web page.

Rendering Elements

Rendering elements is the process of displaying your React components or JSX elements on the web page. You can use the ReactDOM.render() method to render an element to a container element in the DOM. For example, you can render a Hello component to a div element with id root like this:

<div id="root"></div> <script> ReactDOM.render(<Hello />, document.getElementById('root')); </script>

This will replace the content of the div element with the output of the Hello component. You can also update the rendered element by calling ReactDOM.render() again with a different element. For example, you can change the Hello component to a Goodbye component like this:

function Goodbye() return <h1>Goodbye, world!</h1>; ReactDOM.render(<Goodbye />, document.getElementById('root'));

This will replace the Hello, world! message with a Goodbye, world! message. However, this is not the best way to update your UI in React JS. Instead, you should use state and props to manage your data and let React handle the updates for you. Handling Events

Handling events is the process of adding interactivity to your React components. You can use event handlers to respond to user actions, such as clicking, typing, scrolling, etc. You can attach event handlers to your JSX elements using the onEventName syntax, where EventName is the name of the event you want to handle. For example, you can add a click handler to a button element like this:

function handleClick() alert('You clicked me!'); <button onClick=handleClick>Click me</button>

This will display an alert message when you click the button. You can also pass arguments to your event handlers using arrow functions or bind methods. For example, you can pass the event object or a custom value to your handler like this:

function handleClick(event) console.log(; // the element that triggered the event function handleGreet(name) alert('Hello, ' + name + '!'); <button onClick=(event) => handleClick(event)>Log me</button> <button onClick=handleGreet.bind(this, 'Alice')>Greet me</button>

This will log the button element to the console and display a greeting message with the name Alice when you click the buttons.

There are some differences and conventions that you need to know when handling events in React JS. Here are some of them:

  • You must use camelCase for event names: Unlike HTML, React JS uses camelCase for event names. For example, you must write onClick instead of onclick, onChange instead of onchange, etc.

  • You must use curly braces for event handlers: Unlike HTML, React JS requires that you use curly braces for event handlers. For example, you must write onClick=handleClick instead of onClick="handleClick()".

You must prevent default behavior for some events: Some events, such as form submission or link navigation, have a default behavior that you may want to prevent in your app. For example, you may want to prevent the page from reloading when you submit a form. To do this, you need to call the preventDefault() method on the event object in your handler. For example:

function handleSubmit(event) event.preventDefault(); // prevent page reload // do something with the form data <form onSubmit=handleSubmit> <input type="text" name="name" /> <button type="submit">Submit</button> </form>

Managing State

Managing state is the process of controlling and updating the data in your React components. State is the source of truth for your UI, and it determines how your components look and behave. You can use state and props to manage your data in React JS.

State is the data that belongs to a component and can change over time. You can use state to store dynamic and interactive data, such as user input, form values, timer counts, etc. You can create state in two ways: using class components or using hooks.

A class component can have a state property that holds an object with the state data. You can initialize the state in the constructor method using this.state, and you can update the state using this.setState(). For example, you can create a class component with a state that stores a count value like this:

class Counter extends React.Component constructor(props) super(props); this.state = count: 0 ; increment() this.setState(state => ( count: state.count + 1 )); render() return ( <div> <h1>Count: this.state.count</h1> <button onClick=() => this.increment()>+1</button> </div> );

A function component can have state using hooks. Hooks are special functions that let you use state and other features in function components. The most basic hook is useState(), which returns a pair of values: the current state and a function to update it. You can use useState() multiple times in a function component to create multiple state variables. For example, you can create a function component with a state that stores a name value like this:

function NameForm() const [name, setName] = useState(''); // a state variable that stores the name const handleChange = (event) => setName(; // a function to update the name ; return ( <div> <label>Name: </label> <input type="text" value=name onChange=handleChange /> <p>Hello, name!</p> </div> );

When you use state in your components, you need to follow some rules and best practices. Here are some of them:

  • Do not mutate state directly: You should never modify the state object directly, such as using this.state.count++ or name = 'Bob'. This can lead to unexpected behavior and errors. Instead, you should use this.setState() or the setter function from useState() to update the state with a new object or value.

  • Use functional updates for state that depends on the previous state: You should use a function that takes the previous state as an argument and returns the new state as the first argument of this.setState() or useState(). This ensures that your state updates are consistent and reliable. For example, you should write this.setState(state => (count: state.count + 1)) instead of this.setState(count: this.state.count + 1).

  • Lift state up for shared data: You should store the state that is shared by multiple components in their closest common ancestor component. This way, you can pass the state down as props to the child components that need it, and avoid duplicating or syncing the state across components. For example, if you have two components that display and edit the same name value, you should store the name state in their parent component and pass it down as props to them.

Props are the data that are passed from a parent component to a child component. Props are read-only, which means that you cannot change them in the child component. You can use props to pass static or dynamic data, such as strings, numbers, arrays, objects, functions, etc. You can access props in your components using this.props in class components or props in function components. For example, you can create a parent component that passes a name prop to a child component like this:

function Parent() return <Child name="Alice" />; function Child(props) return <h1>Hello,!</h1>;

This will display a Hello, Alice! message on the web page.

When you use props in your components, you need to follow some rules and best practices. Here are some of them:

  • Use prop types for type checking: You can use prop types to specify the types and requirements of the props that your component expects. This helps you catch errors and bugs in your code and improve its quality and reliability. You can use the PropTypes library to define and validate prop types for your components. For example, you can write Child.propTypes = name: PropTypes.string.isRequired to indicate that the name prop is a required string.

  • Use default props for default values: You can use default props to specify the default values of the props that your component receives. This helps you avoid undefined or null values and provide a better user experience. You can use the defaultProps property to define default props for your components. For example, you can write Child.defaultProps = name: 'Guest' to indicate that the name prop defaults to 'Guest' if it is not provided.

  • Use destructuring for props: You can use destructuring to extract the props that you need from the props object. This helps you avoid repeating props or this.props in your code and make it more concise and readable. You can use curly braces to destructure props in your components. For example, you can write function Child(name) instead of function Child(props) and use name instead of in your code.

Using Hooks

Hooks are special functions that let you use state and other features in function components. Hooks were introduced in React 16.8 as a way to simplify and improve function components. Hooks allow you to write cleaner and more reusable code without using classes or lifecycle methods.

The most basic hook is useState(), which we have already seen in the previous section. useState() lets you create a state variable and a function to update it in your function component. For example, you can create a counter component with useState() like this:

function Counter() const [count, setCount] = useState(0); // a state variable that stores the count const increment = () => setCount(count + 1); // a function to update the count ; return ( <div> <h1>Count: count</h1> <button onClick=increment>+1</button> </div> );

There are many other hooks that you can use in your function components, such as useEffect(), useRef(), useContext(), useReducer(), etc. These hooks allow you to perform various tasks and operations, such as side effects, references, context, state management, etc. For example, you can use useEffect() to perform side effects, such as fetching data, updating the document title, or subscribing to an event. useEffect() takes a function as an argument, which is executed after every render of the component. You can also pass an array of dependencies as a second argument, which tells React when to re-run the effect. For example, you can use useEffect() to fetch some data from an API and display it in your component like this:

function Data() const [data, setData] = useState(null); // a state variable that stores the data const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true); // a state variable that stores the loading status useEffect(() => // a function to fetch and set the data fetch(' .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => setData(data); setLoading(false); ) .catch(error => console.error(error); setLoading(false); ); , []); // an empty array of dependencies, which means the effect runs only once return ( <div> loading ? <p>Loading...</p> : <p>Data: data</p> </div> );

When you use hooks in your components, you need to follow some rules and best practices. Here are some of them:

  • Only call hooks at the top level: You should never call hooks inside loops, conditions, or nested functions. This ensures that the hooks are called in the same order every time the component renders, which is essential for React to correctly manage the state and effects.

  • Only call hooks from React functions: You should only call hooks from React function components or custom hooks. You should not call hooks from regular JavaScript functions or class components. This ensures that the hooks are used in a React context and have access to the component state and props.

Create custom hooks for reusable logic: You can create your own custom hooks to extract and reuse common logic across your components. A custom hook is a function that starts with use and can call other hooks inside it. For example, you can create a custom hook called useFetch that performs a fetch request and returns the data and loading status like this:

function useFetch(url) const [data, setData] = useState(null); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true); useEffect(() => fetch(url) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => setData(data); setLoading(false); ) .catch(error => console.error(error); setLoading(false); ); , [url]); return [data, loading];

You can then use this custom hook in your components like this:

function Data() const [data, loading] = useFetch(' return ( <div> loading ? <p>Loading...</p> : <p>Data: data</p> </div> );

Using Lifecycle Methods

Lifecycle methods are special methods that control the behavior of your class components during their lifecycle. The lifecycle of a class component consists of three phases: mounting, updating, and unmounting.

Mounting is the phase when the component is created and inserted into the DOM. There are four lifecycle methods that are invoked during this phase:

  • constructor(): This is where you can initialize your state and bind your methods. You should not perform any side effects or DOM operations here.

  • static getDerivedStateFromProps(): This is where you can update your state based on the props that your component receives. You should not perform any side effects or DOM operations here.

  • render(): This is where you return your JSX elements that describe your UI. You should not perform any side effects or DOM operations here.

  • componentDidMount(): This is where you can perform any side effects or DOM operations that you need after the component is mounted. For example, you can fetch data, set up event listeners, or update the document title here.

Updating is the phase when the component is re-rendered due to changes in its state or props. There are five lifecycle methods that are invoked during this phase:

  • static getDerivedStateFromProps(): This is the same as in the mounting phase.

  • shouldComponentUpdate(): This is where you can decide whether to re-render the component or not based on the changes in its state or props. You can return true to re-render or false to skip re-rendering. You should not perform any side effects or DOM operations here.

  • render(): This is the same as in the mounting phase.

  • getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(): This is where you can capture some information from the DOM before it is updated. For example, you can get the scroll position or the size of an element here. You should not perform any side effects or DOM operations here.

  • componentDidUpdate(): This is where you can perform any side effects or DOM operations that you need after the component is updated. For example, you can fetch data, update event listeners, or update the document title here.

Unmounting is the phase when the component is removed from the DOM. There is one lifecycle method that is invoked during this phase:

  • componentWillUnmount(): This is where you can perform any cleanup tasks that you need before the component is unmounted. For example, you can cancel any pending requests, remove event listeners, or clear timers here.

When you use lifecycle methods in your components, you need to follow some rules and best practices. Here are some of them:

  • Use lifecycle methods sparingly: You should only use lifecycle methods when you need to perform some tasks that are related to the component's lifecycle. You should not use them for unrelated logic or code. For example, you should not use componentDidMount() to set a state value that does not depend on the component being mounted.

  • Avoid side effects in render(): You should never perform any side effects or DOM operations in render(). This can cause performance issues and unexpected behavior. Instead, you should use componentDidMount(), componentDidUpdate(), or useEffect() for side effects and DOM operations.

  • Avoid updating state in lifecycle methods: You should avoid updating state in lifecycle methods, especially in componentDidUpdate() and getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(). This can cause an infinite loop of re-rendering and updating. Instead, you should use setState() with a function argument or useReducer() for complex state updates.

How to Test and Debug Your React JS App

The last step to complete your React JS project is to test and debug your app. Testing and debugging are essential processes that help you ensure that your app works correctly and meets your requirements. There are many tools and techniques that you can use to test and debug your React JS app, such as:

  • Jest: Jest is a testing framework that lets you write and run unit tests, integration tests, and snapshot tests for your React JS app. Jest provides a mock function API, a test runner, an assertion library, and a coverage tool. You can use Jest to test your components, functions, hooks, reducers, etc.

  • React Testing Library: React Testing Library is a testing library that lets you write and run tests for your React JS app using queries that mimic how users interact with your UI. React Testing Library provides a query API, a render function, a fireEvent function, and a screen object. You can use React Testing Library to test your components, events, effects, etc.

  • Enzyme: Enzyme is a testing library that lets you write and run tests for your React JS app using a jQuery-like syntax. Enzyme provides a shallow rendering function, a mount function, a render function, and a wrapper API. You can use Enzyme to test your components, props, state, etc.

  • Cypress: Cypress is an end-to-end testing tool that lets you write and run tests for your React JS app using a browser-based interface. Cypress provides a test runner, a command API, a dashboard, and a network stubbing feature. You can use Cypress to test your app's functionality, performance, accessibility, etc.

  • Chrome DevTools: Chrome DevTools is a set of tools that lets you inspect and debug your React JS app using the Chrome browser. Chrome DevTools provides a console, a debugger, a network panel, a performance panel, a memory panel, and a React Developer Tools extension. You can use Chrome DevTools to debug your app's code, network requests, performance issues, memory leaks, etc.

  • React Developer Tools: React Developer Tools is an extension for Chrome and Firefox browsers that lets you inspect and debug your React JS app using a React-specific interface. React Developer Tools provides a components tab, a profiler tab, a hooks tab, and a settings tab. You can use React Developer Tools to debug your app's components, props, state, hooks, effects, etc.

Conclusion and FAQs

In this article, we have learned how to download and install React JS, how to set up your editor for React development, and how to use React JS in your project. We have also learned some of the basic concepts and features of React JS, such as JSX, components, state, props, hooks, and lifecycle methods. Finally, we have learned some of the tools and techniques that you can use to test and debug your React JS app.

React JS is a powerful and popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It has many advantages and benefits that make it suitable for web development projects of any size and complexity. If you want to learn more about React JS and its capabilities, you can visit the official website at , where you can find more documentation, tutorials, examples, and resources.

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about React JS:

What is the difference between React JS and React Native?

React JS is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces for web applications. React Native is a framework for building native mobile applications using React JS. React Native uses the same concepts and features as React JS, but it renders the UI using native components instead of HTML elements. This way, you can create cross-platform mobile apps that look and feel like native apps.

What is the difference between state and props?

State is the data that belongs to a component and can change over time. Props are the data that are passed from a parent component to a child component. State is the source of truth for your UI, and it determines how your components look and behave. Props are read-only, which means that you cannot change them in the child component. You can use state and props to manage your data in React JS.

What are hooks?

Hooks are special functions that let you use state and other features in function components. Hooks allow you to write cleaner and more reusable code without using classes or lifecycle methods. The most basic hook is useState(), which lets you create a state variable and a function to update it in your function component. There are many other hooks that you can use in your function components, such as useEffect(), useRef(), useContext(), useReducer(), etc.

What are lifecycle methods?

Lifecycle methods are special methods that control the behavior of your class components during their lifecycle. The lifecycle of a class component consists of three phases: mounting, updating, and unmounting. There are different lifecycle methods that are invoked during each phase, such as constructor(), render(), componentDidMount(), componentDidUpdate(), componentWillUnmount(), etc. Lifecycle methods allow you to perform various tasks and operations that are related to the component's lifecycle.

How do I test and debug my React JS app?

There are many tools and techniques that you can use to test and debug your React JS app, such as Jest, React Testing Library, Enzyme, Cypress, Chrome DevTools, and React Developer Tools. These tools and techniques allow you to write and run different types of tests, such as unit tests, integration tests, end-to-end tests, and snapshot tests. They also allow you to inspect and debug your app's code, network requests, performance issues, memory leaks, etc. 44f88ac181


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