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Malvern Zetasizer Software For Mac: Frequently Asked Questions and Troubleshooting


It is assumed that you have authority to install or update software within your facility. It is also assumed that you have Administrator rights for the system upon which the software is installed, as this is a requirement of the installation process. If you do not have this authority please consult with your I.T. support department before proceeding.

SoftwareMNova - Multivendor software suite designed for combined NMR, LC/GC/MS and Electronic & Vibrational Spectroscopic techniques. Compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux OS. License is required.

Malvern Zetasizer Software For Mac

Spectragryph - Optical spectroscopy processing software for UV-VIS, NIR, FTIR, Raman, fluorescence, LIBS, XRF data. Capable of opening multiple vendors and file formats. Free for private and academic use. Compatible with Windows. Could be run on Mac or Linux using a Windows virtual box or emulator such as Wine/WineBottler.

Modern, flexible and different from the classic Zetasizer software, the novel ZS Xplorer interface highlights the latest generation of Zetasizer systems: the Zetasizer Pro and the Zetasizer Ultra. If you missed the launch, check out the exciting launch recording and Q&A session.

Here is the link to the officially downloadable ZS Xplorer software 1.0.0 which you can install on any suitable 64-bit Windows computer [Win10 is best, 16MB Ram, 4th gen i7 or better, find detailed requirements in the software update notification]. Please note there are now updates to the initial software available, in order of their release. They are all FREE and available to you via the main website. But you can save time instead of searching and use the direct links below. Please note, these are all complete versions and you should typically just download the latest version:

Please note: starting with v2 you have to install the License Manager [LicenseManagerSetup.exe] first before installing the ZS Xplorer software. There is no license necessary, but the ZSX software requires the License Manager to be installed. Starting with v3.2.1 an outgoing-only cloud connection (Smart Manager) can send low-level telemetry data to enable some remote support. However, this does not have to be enabled and the software can run without connection to the internet.

While at the Malvern exhibit at Pittcon quite a few visitors to our booth have asked where to find the latest software version for the Malvern Zetasizer Nano series. And we also encountered a similar question at the Short Course # 78 Fundamentals of Particle Size Analysis with an Emphasis on Light Scattering Techniques :

When we improved our website, the software download page listing all available Zetasizer software versions no longer exists. Since we migrated to the new site, the old link is no longer available. However, to make things easier for you and more findable on Google, here is a listing of direct links to the currently available versions of the Zetasizer family of instruments, software series 7.

If you are reading this post and the above links do not work for you, you could try to use the advanced search to locate the software you were looking for. If that still leaves you without success, then contact your local help desk.

Fortunately this is a very rare event. If you have an older computer, try to use an earlier version of the software. For example 7.11 would be less taxing on your system than 7.12 if your computer is already at its performance limit (i.e. low on memory, slower processor). For a very new computer there may be an incompatibility with secure boot in Win8 and Win10. When the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI, UEFI) is enabled with Secure Boot then this may result in blocking a required Malvern USB driver from connecting with the Zetasizer. Until these drivers are updated, a known workaround is to permanently disable secure boot at the UEFI level. Contact Malvern if you require assistance with this (SBU1046-01).

Once you downloaded the software on a computer with Win7 or Win8 (or earlier will probably still work as well), install the software. Do not start it yet! Then plug the USB cable into the computer, connect power to the instrument, turn the instrument on. Finally, let the driver installation finish (this may take a couple of minutes, it goes in two stages, agree that the Malvern driver is unknown to Windows). When complete, start the software, select Zetasizer Nano, open a new file and you are ready to begin taking measurements. The manual for the system is available in pdf after the software is installed. For access go to

This may happen with XP. Go to Device Manager (right-click on the My Computer icon, then properties, then Device Manager) and find the yellow exclamation mark. Now update the driver, select from specific location (not internet) and point to C:\Program Files\Malvern Instruments\Zetasizer Software 7-12\USB Drivers. [this is where the USB drivers for the Zetasizer software are located on your computer] . You may have to reboot before and / or after.

Volumes of 0.5 mL from each inoculum were spread on Petri dishes. The sterilized paper disks were placed on the plates and an aliquot (10 μL) from samples was added. To evaluate the antimicrobial properties, the growth inhibition under standard conditions after 24 h of incubation at 36 1 C was measured. All tests were carried out in triplicate to verify the results. After incubation, the diameters of inhibition zones were measured by using Image J software (University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA).

To determine the number of cells producing each cytokine, multiScreen 96-wellfilter plates 0.45 [mu]m Hydophobic High Protein Binding Immobion-P Membrane(Millipore) were coated with rat anti-mouse IL-5 or rat anti-mouse IFN[gamma]capture antibody (both eBioscience) according to manufacturer'srecommendation and incubated overnight at 4[degrees]C. Plates were washedwith PBS, blocked with RPMI 1640 containing 10% FBS 100 unitspenicillin/streptomycin for at least 1 h 37[degrees]C, and washed again.Spleen cells were then added at 2 x 105 cells/well (100 ul) and incubated with media, PbCSP (10 [mu]g/ml) orConcavalin A (1.5ug/ml) Sigma (for 48 h at 37[degrees]C). The plates werethen washed with PBS-0.1% Tween 20 and incubated with a biotin-conjugated ratanti-mouse IL-5 or IFN[gamma] secondary antibody (eBioscience) diluted in 5xAssay Buffer (eBioscience). The filters were developed using the VectastainAEC substrate kits according to the manufacturer's protocol (VectorLaboratories, Burlingame, CA). Reactions were stopped by washing withdeionized water, then plates were dried in the dark and spots were enumeratedusing an automated ELISPOT reader (CTL Immunospot; Cellular Technology Ltd.,Shaker Heights, OH) and analyzed with ImmunoSpot software (CellularTechnology Ltd). 2ff7e9595c


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