Download Chess Rules PDF: How to Learn the Basics of Chess Online
Chess is one of the oldest and most popular board games in the world. It is a game of strategy, logic, and skill that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. Whether you want to play chess for fun, for competition, or for self-improvement, you need to know the basic rules of the game.
Fortunately, you can learn the rules of chess online by downloading chess rules pdf files from different sources. These files will provide you with the essential information you need to start playing chess or improve your skills. In this article, we will show you how to download chess rules pdf files from three different sources: FIDE Laws of Chess, US Chess Rule Book Online, and How to Play Chess: Rules and Basics. We will also explain what each source covers and how it can help you learn chess.
download chess rules pdf
What is chess and why should you learn it?
Chess is a two-player game that is played on a square board with 64 squares of alternating colors. Each player has 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns. The goal of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king, which means to place it under attack in such a way that it cannot escape or be defended.
Chess is a game that has many benefits for your mind and your life. Some of the benefits of learning chess are:
It improves your concentration, memory, logic, creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.
It teaches you how to plan ahead, think critically, analyze situations, and learn from your mistakes.
It helps you develop your mental discipline, patience, perseverance, and sportsmanship.
It provides you with a fun and rewarding hobby that you can enjoy with your friends, family, or online.
It opens up a world of culture, history, art, literature, and science that is related to chess.
How to set up the chessboard and the pieces
At the beginning of the game, the chessboard is laid out so that each player has a white square in the bottom right-hand corner. The board is divided into eight rows (called ranks) and eight columns (called files). The squares are labeled with coordinates: letters from A to H for the files and numbers from 1 to 8 for the ranks.
The pieces are arranged on the first two ranks for each player. The first rank (the closest one to the player) has the rooks in the corners, then the knights next to them, then the bishops next to them, then the queen on her own color square (white queen on white square, black queen on black square), and then the king on the remaining square. The second rank is filled with pawns.
The player with the white pieces makes the first move, and then the players alternate turns. A player can only move one piece at a time, except when castling (a special move involving the king and a rook).
How to move the pieces and capture the opponent's pieces
Each piece has its own way of moving and capturing. Here is a brief summary of how each piece moves:
The king can move one square in any direction (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally). The king cannot move into a square that is under attack by an enemy piece. The king can also castle once per game, if certain conditions are met.
The queen can move any number of squares in any direction, as long as there is no piece of the same color in the way. The queen can capture any enemy piece that is on the same line as her.
The rook can move any number of squares horizontally or vertically, as long as there is no piece of the same color in the way. The rook can capture any enemy piece that is on the same rank or file as him.
The bishop can move any number of squares diagonally, as long as there is no piece of the same color in the way. The bishop can capture any enemy piece that is on the same diagonal as him.
The knight can move in an L-shape: two squares horizontally and one square vertically, or two squares vertically and one square horizontally. The knight can jump over other pieces, and can capture any enemy piece that is on the square where he lands.
The pawn can move one square forward, if the square is empty. The pawn can also move two squares forward on its first move, if both squares are empty. The pawn can capture an enemy piece that is one square diagonally ahead of it. The pawn cannot move backward or sideways. The pawn can also promote to another piece (except a king) when it reaches the last rank.
To capture an enemy piece, a player moves his or her own piece to the square occupied by the enemy piece and removes it from the board. A player cannot capture a piece of the same color.
How to download chess rules pdf for free
Download FIDE laws of chess pdf
Download US Chess Federation's official rules of chess pdf
Download chess cheat sheet pdf
Download basic chess rules pdf for beginners
Download chess rules and notation pdf
Download chess rules and strategies pdf
Download chess rules and tactics pdf
Download chess rules and tips pdf
Download chess rules and puzzles pdf
Download advanced chess rules pdf
Download chess rules for castling pdf
Download chess rules for checkmate pdf
Download chess rules for en passant pdf
Download chess rules for pawn promotion pdf
Download chess rules for stalemate pdf
Download chess rules for threefold repetition pdf
Download chess rules for 50-move rule pdf
Download chess rules for touch-move rule pdf
Download chess rules for time control pdf
Download international chess rules pdf
Download online chess rules pdf
Download blitz chess rules pdf
Download rapid chess rules pdf
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Download correspondence chess rules pdf
Download Fischer random chess rules pdf
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Download crazyhouse chess rules pdf
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Download king of the hill chess rules pdf
Download three-check chess rules pdf
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How to check, checkmate, and draw the game
A player is in check when his or her king is under attack by an enemy piece. A player must get out of check by either moving the king to a safe square, blocking the attack with another piece, or capturing the attacking piece. A player cannot make a move that puts his or her own king in check.
A player is checkmated when his or her king is in check and there is no way to get out of it. Checkmate ends the game and the player who delivers checkmate wins.
A game can also end in a draw, which means neither player wins or loses. There are several ways a game can end in a draw:
By agreement: The players agree to end the game in a draw at any point.
By stalemate: The player whose turn it is has no legal moves and is not in check.
By insufficient material: Neither player has enough pieces to deliver checkmate.
By threefold repetition: The same position occurs three times with the same player to move.
By fifty-move rule: No pawn has moved and no capture has been made in the last fifty moves by each player.
How to download chess rules pdf from different sources
Now that you know the basic rules of chess, you might want to download a chess rules pdf file that explains them in more detail and provides examples, diagrams, and exercises. There are many sources of chess rules pdf files online, but we will focus on three of them: FIDE Laws of Chess, US Chess Rule Book Online, and How to Play Chess: Rules and Basics. Each of these sources has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on your level of skill and interest in chess.
FIDE Laws of Chess: The official rules of chess by the International Chess Federation
What are the FIDE Laws of Chess and what do they cover?
The FIDE Laws of Chess are the official rules of chess that are used in international tournaments and events. They are issued by the International Chess Federation (FIDE), which is the governing body of chess in the world. The FIDE Laws of Chess cover all aspects of the game, such as the equipment, the players, the moves, the notation, the scoring, the time control, the conduct, and the arbitration. They also include special rules for different types of chess, such as rapid chess, blitz chess, blindfold chess, and online chess.
How to download the FIDE Laws of Chess pdf from the FIDE website
To download the FIDE Laws of Chess pdf from the FIDE website, you need to follow these steps:
Go to , which is the direct link to the pdf file.
Alternatively, you can go to , which is the homepage of the FIDE website.
Click on "FIDE Handbook" in the top menu bar.
Click on "Laws & Rules" in the left sidebar.
Click on "Laws of Chess" under "A. Administrative Subjects".
Click on "Download PDF" under "English language version".
Save the file to your device or open it with your preferred pdf reader.
The FIDE Laws of Chess pdf file is 38 pages long and has a file size of 1.1 MB. It was last updated in July 2017. US Chess Rule Book Online: The rules of chess for US tournaments and events
What are the US Chess Rules and how do they differ from the FIDE Laws?
The US Chess Rules are the rules of chess that are used in US tournaments and events. They are issued by the US Chess Federation (US Chess), which is the governing body of chess in the United States. The US Chess Rules are based on the FIDE Laws of Chess, but they have some differences and additions that reflect the specific needs and preferences of the US chess community. Some of the differences and additions are:
The US Chess Rules have more detailed and explicit definitions of terms, such as "touch-move", "illegal move", "claim", and "draw offer".
The US Chess Rules have more options and variations for the time control, such as delay, increment, sudden death, and game in.
The US Chess Rules have more rules and guidelines for the use of electronic devices, such as clocks, score sheets, notation devices, and communication devices.
The US Chess Rules have more rules and penalties for irregularities, such as illegal moves, incomplete moves, incorrect scores, and interference.
The US Chess Rules have more rules and procedures for special situations, such as adjournments, postponements, appeals, and protests.
How to download the US Chess Rule Book Online pdf from the US Chess website
To download the US Chess Rule Book Online pdf from the US Chess website, you need to follow these steps:
Go to , which is the direct link to the pdf file.
Alternatively, you can go to , which is the homepage of the US Chess website.
Click on "Rules" in the top menu bar.
Click on "US Chess Rule Book Online" under "Rules & Regulations".
Click on "Download PDF" under "Current Edition".
Save the file to your device or open it with your preferred pdf reader.
The US Chess Rule Book Online pdf file is 236 pages long and has a file size of 2.9 MB. It was last updated in August 2020. How to Play Chess: Rules and Basics: A simple guide for beginners and casual players
What is How to Play Chess: Rules and Basics and what does it teach?
How to Play Chess: Rules and Basics is a simple and easy-to-follow guide for beginners and casual players who want to learn the basics of chess. It is written by, which is the most popular online chess platform in the world. How to Play Chess: Rules and Basics teaches you the following topics:
The names and values of the pieces
The setup and objective of the game
The rules of movement and capture for each piece
The special moves of castling, en passant, and pawn promotion
The concepts of check, checkmate, stalemate, and draw
The basic principles of opening, middlegame, and endgame strategy
The common chess terms and notation
The tips and tricks to improve your chess skills
How to download How to Play Chess: Rules and Basics pdf from a third-party website
To download How to Play Chess: Rules and Basics pdf from a third-party website, you need to follow these steps:
Go to , which is the original web page of the guide.
Copy the URL of the web page.
Go to , which is a free online service that converts web pages to pdf files.
Paste the URL of the web page in the box that says "Enter URL".
Click on "Convert to PDF".
Wait for a few seconds until the conversion is done.
Click on "Download PDF" or "View PDF" to save or open the file.
The How to Play Chess: Rules and Basics pdf file is 16 pages long and has a file size of 1.6 MB. It was last updated in June 2019.
Summary of the main points
In this article, we have shown you how to download chess rules pdf files from different sources. We have explained what chess is, why you should learn it, and how to play it. We have also introduced you to three different sources of chess rules pdf files: FIDE Laws of Chess, US Chess Rule Book Online, and How to Play Chess: Rules and Basics. Each of these sources has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on your level of skill and interest in chess.
Call to action and invitation to comment
We hope that this article has helped you learn the basics of chess online. If you want to practice your chess skills, you can join for free and play with millions of players from around the world. You can also access more resources, such as articles, videos, puzzles, lessons, and coaches. To join, click here.
If you have any questions or comments about this article or chess in general, please feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear from you and help you improve your chess knowledge. Thank you for reading and happy chess playing!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What are some good books or websites to learn more about chess?
A: There are many books and websites that can help you learn more about chess. Some of the most popular ones are:
: A comprehensive and easy-to-understand book that covers everything from the rules of chess to the advanced strategies and tactics.
: A classic book by one of the greatest chess players of all time that teaches the essential principles of chess.
: An online course that offers interactive lessons, quizzes, exercises, and feedback for players of all levels.
: An online platform that uses science-based methods to help you memorize chess openings, endgames, patterns, and tactics.
Q: What are some good apps or software to play or train chess?
A: There are many apps or software that can help you play or train chess. Some of the most popular ones are:
: A free and open-source app that lets you play chess online or offline, with a variety of modes, features, and options.
: The most popular app that lets you play chess online with millions of players, as well as access more resources, such as articles, videos, puzzles, lessons, and coaches.
: A professional app that lets you access a huge database of chess games, analyze your own games, and train with top chess engines.
: A fun and educational app that lets you learn chess from the world champion Magnus Carlsen, with interactive lessons, games, and challenges.
Q: What are some good ways to improve my chess skills?
A: There are many ways to improve your chess skills, but some of the most effective ones are:
Play regularly: The more you play chess, the more you will learn from your own experience and mistakes. Try to play with players of different levels and styles, and review your games afterwards.
Study the basics: The basics of chess are the foundation of your skills. Make sure you master the rules of the game, the names and values of the pieces, the principles of opening, middlegame, and endgame strategy, and the common patterns and tactics.
Solve puzzles: Solving puzzles is a great way to train your calculation, visualization, and intuition skills. Try to solve puzzles that match your level of difficulty and challenge yourself to find the best moves.
Read books and watch videos: Reading books and watching videos can help you learn from the experts and gain new insights and ideas. Try to find books and videos that cover topics that interest you or that you need to improve on.
Get a coach or a mentor: Getting a coach or a mentor can help you get personalized feedback and guidance on your chess skills. A coach or a mentor can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, set goals and plans, and monitor your progress.
Q: What are some good websites or forums to discuss chess with other players?
A: There are many websites or forums where you can discuss chess with other players. Some of the most popular ones are:
: The largest and most active chess forum in the world, where you can discuss anything related to chess with millions of players.
: A subreddit dedicated to chess, where you can share news, opinions, questions, puzzles, games, and more with thousands of redditors.
: A question-and-answer site for serious players and enthusiasts of chess, where you can ask and answer questions about chess rules, strategy, history, culture, and more.
: A forum where you can chat with other members of Chess24, a premium online chess platform that offers live broadcasts, commentary, analysis, videos, and more.
Q: How can I download chess games or databases for offline use?
A: There are many sources of chess games or databases that you can download for offline use. Some of the most popular ones are:
: A website that offers free downloads of PGN files (Portable Game Notation), which are text files that contain chess games. You can find PGN files for different players, openings, tournaments, themes, and more.
: A website that offers free downloads of TWIC files (The Week in Chess), which are zip files that contain the latest chess games from around the world. You can find TWIC files for different years, months, weeks, and events.
: A website that offers free access to a huge online database of over 8 million chess games. You can search for games by player name, opening name, position, or moves. You can also download games as PGN files or CBV files (ChessBase format).
: A website that offers free access to a large online database of over 3 million chess games. You can search for games by player name, opening name, ECO code (Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings), or year. You can also download games as PGN files.