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New Anime Plot refers to a copypasta originating from a Tumblr post in which a person describes the plot to their new anime series. However their plot simply consists of having girls with large breasts, and as the description goes on, the euphemisms for breasts grow increasingly ridiculous. The copypasta grew into a popular source for YouTube animations after a Tumblr user posted audio themselves reading the post in character as a sleazy television executive.

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On one of the recent ANNcasts, Mike Toole said something to the effect that it is a shame that Shinichiro Watanabe can't find work. Really? I guess I just have a bad misconception of the industry. I always assumed if Watanabe wasn't working it was because he had enough money or creative control that he could effectively do whatever the hell he wanted. Ok, I kind of think of him as an anime god were everything he directs is brilliant (Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Baby Blue) and things where he's otherwise involved are vastly improved (music director for Mind Game and Michiko to Hatchin, both in dire need of being licensed). So the question is, is he really struggling to get work and how can this be so? Do more creative directors get pushed aside for ones who can more effectively model boob jiggle mechanics. I watched Dragonaut in the last year, and while there there was an obvious mastery of breast dynamics (and Hot Pants!), the animation direction was horrific.To stay in the game does a director have to sell his soul or is Watanabe just an exceptional case? Or perhaps I'm missing something else.

I think the point that Mike was making is that he desperately, desperately wants a new Watanabe project. "Where the hell is it?" was basically his question. I don't think Watanabe is "having trouble" finding work at all. Being one of the few anime directors with a sizable amount of international heat and acclaim on his side, whatever Watanabe wants to do next is whatever he gets to do next.

Is there a reason for this, almost insulting, barrage of notation? Are they trying to help non-anime fans understand the (not) hard to follow story lines and (not) complex character interactions and histories?

Now, why that made its way into the anime version? That I don't know specifically. If anything, I'd say it's symptomatic of the rather unfortunate tendency in anime adaptations of popular manga to become so incredibly faithful to the original source material that it borders on obsessive. Instead of actually, say, adapting the stories and the characters to better suit their intended medium, the episodes resemble lavishly-produced motion comics, matching the pace and, in certain cases, the original panels beat-for-beat in each episode.

I'm with you, though. The notation in the anime is a distraction, almost an eyesore. It reeks of a last-minute post-production decision, one where somebody higher-up in the totem pole than the animators decided that it "just wouldn't be Kekkaishi" without all the fancy notes on the screen, telling you who is who. Once again it's something that works okay in the realm of manga - it looks silly, unnecessary, and vaguely insulting when translated to animation.

And now, in all seriousness, who am I to say what kind of "fan" you are? On that note, who is anyone? Internet d***holes are eager to spurn people with their perceived superiority by proclaiming that anybody who doesn't watch anime and support anime the same way that they do "isn't a TRUE fan." And then people on the internet give those d***holes credence by getting offended. That entire argument is wholly irrelevant, and, more importantly, stupid. That might not necessarily relay to your question, but it's something that's been bothering me lately. It obfuscates the actual problems of piracy, and derails the argument completely.

To your actual point, though, I can give a specific example that I ran into recently. Do I value the work and drive that dedicated fans put towards translating and releasing anime on their own? Of course I do. But only in the case where I feel like it's particularly earned. I'll give you a personal example. The PlayStation One game Policenauts. I am a huge, silly fan of Metal Gear Solid. I have even played Snatcher. Twice. Policenauts has always been something of a Holy Grail - never released outside of Japan and completely impenetrable to a foreign audience, considering the game is essentially a point-and-click adventure game with loads of text and dialog and tricky kanji that made it next to impossible to play without a full translation. Plus the game had become something of a collector's item in Japan over the past decade or so. So it was expensive, foreign, and difficult to play. And that only makes me want to play it even more.

About a year or so ago, a full, 100-percent complete translation patch of the entire game hit the internet. Hooray! Now, was it completely ethical for me to download that patched .ISO? Absolutely not. But, the game has been out of print for a decade - whatever money I spent on it would be going to the eager hands of eBay scalpers, not Konami, and certainly not Hideo Kojima. That, and the translation was pretty impressive; the game is filled with hundreds of lines of text about utterly insane - yet scientifically plausible, in that Kojima-esque way - sci-fi babble. Not to mention that the text had to be reverse-engineered into a PlayStation CD-ROM from 1996. I can't imagine that was easy.

So, yeah. I downloaded that patch. I played the game. There is almost no comparable product available otherwise. It would be the same if somebody asked me how they could watch Horus - Prince of the Sun in English. There isn't any other way BESIDES fansubs to watch it, and it's unlikely there ever will be. 2ff7e9595c


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